- Books should be returned in 10 days. If there any unavoidable circumstances books should be renewed in days.
- There will be late fine of Rs.15/-per month after 10 days of issue of the books.
- Remarks should not be written on the books. If there will be any damage,member should pay the current value of the books
- General members will get 1 book & special/life time members will get 2 books at a time.
- General members will get books worth Rs.120/- & special/life time members will get books worth Rs.150/- each. Members should pay extra deposit money{(which is refundable) for over value books.
- Membership should be paid within 10th of the month Appril & October in every Year.
- Special & life time members should definitely pay the fee for annual development and saraswati puja.
- Any suggestion or complain should be written on log book or by letter to the general Secretary.
- For the development of Library any kind of donation will be cordially accepted.